Bidache Country School of Music
The Bidache Country School of Music, created in 2005, is an association subsidized by the Basque Agglomeration Community and the Departmental Council of the Atlantic Pyrenees. Its roots are in the drum fanfare “Les Hardits” based in Came and it has retained the same premises. In 2019, it hosted around fifty students of all ages, providing initiation to music classes (music awareness and initiation lessons for 5-7 year olds based on singing and the discovery of music without music theory) as well as artistic education via a range of instruments (guitar, trumpet, clarinet, saxophone, piano and drums). The school employs 8 people: 6 instrument and music theory teachers, and a coordinator responsible for the management and development of the establishment. The music school is an integral part of the cultural policy of the territory and is involved with different educational and cultural institutions such as primary schools and associations…
An educational concert is organised each year to allow all the children of the canton to discover music during a concert specially adapted as part of the Xarnegu Eguna. Twice a year, the music school organizes student concerts all over the communes within the territory. It also co-organizes the Fête de la Musique which is linked to the Pompades de Bidache and all of the canton’s cultural associations. It thus participates and helps in development of territorial cultural activities within the limits of its educational goals.
7ème édition du Festival : Du 4 au 7 juillet 2024 - La billetterie est ouverte !
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